Chad Chambers
Coach / Co-owner
Crossfit Level 2
USA Weightlifting Level 1
NCI Mindset Certification
NCI Hormone Certification
About Chad
Shared a new connection with life outdoors, later on in life after getting married to my wife Amie. From horseback riding, mountain biking, to climbing mountains!
Turning Point
After moving to Minnesota life got busy with work and family obligations and I felt I needed to reconnect. But as life would have it, a curveball was thrown and ended up with melanoma skin cancer. After surgery I realized I needed to make some significant changes. My diet completely changed and my wife finally talked me into trying that crossfit thing she had been doing for two years! Life has never been the same since! Wasn’t long after I knew this was for me and decided to pursue coaching.
Motivation & Passion
I love seeing people come into the gym thinking they could never do the things others are doing and in no time they’re doing it too!
I enjoy Helping athletes see their own potential and believe in themselves! I’m passionate about breaking down the Olympic lifts and helping athletes see how simple changes can make a big impact on their movement. Whether You’re looking for a happier healthier lifestyle, or you want to take your athletic performance to the next level, try CrossFit. It just may change your life.